Weather was fffrrreeezzzing !! As such, it was mega hard but none of the 14 anglers blanked. 1st, John Belton, p.7, 31:05, pole at 8m with corn, 6 carp & 1 skimmer, but he did lose a few carp too. 2nd Geoff Holmes , p.25, 12lbs. 3rd Mags, p.11, 10lbs, 4th Jim Ashman, p.27, 8lbs (& his section), other section was Adder on p.9 with 4:14. SILVERS MATCH 1st Geoff Holmes 7:04. 2nd Mags, 5:04, 3rd, Roger Edmond, p.31 5lbs Text back to book on for next week ASAP !!