Today’s match result… on Tench & Carp Ponds…
1st Jason Moody 56lbs, peg 30 on Tench, (mainly carp).
2nd Josh Gilligan, 32:08, peg 16 on Tench, (22lbs of carp & 10lbs of silvers.
3rd, Simon X, 31:08, peg 12 on Tench, (ALL silvers).
4th Nige Roberts, peg 25 on Carp, 29lbs.
Silvers match result…
1st Simon 31:08.
2nd Willy Eyre 27:10, (peg 9 on Tench).
3rd Pully, 17:15, peg 1 on Carp.
Great weights again, especially considering all the rain & wind !!